The millennial traveler has arrived, and hotels are grabbing for their loyalty. Choice Hotels International, Inc. decided to delve into the mysteries of the Millennial Mind – the wants and must haves. What they found in their survey reveals an unexpected and not so unexpected list of habits showing how the up and coming generation travels.
Image is Everything: 27% of Millennials have stayed in a hotel to impress someone.
Live for the Now: 33% of Millennials would put off buying a home to take a dream vacation.
Foodies & Adventurers: 79% of Millennials say they are more adventurous about eating and drinking when traveling than when at home.
OId School Travel Methods: While 59% of millennials say online ratings and reviews determine their hotel selection, a shocking 35% of millennials would still use travel agents when deciding a hotel.
Get Rich Quick: 43% of Millennials believe you should receive your first rewards program benefit as soon as you sign up.
Experience is Everything: 12% of Millennials have quit their job to take a vacation or go to an event such as a concert.
Gimme Gimme Goodies: 69% of Millennials see freebies (such as snacks/sandwiches/to-go breakfast) as more important than opportunities for increased loyalty or reward points.
Comfy and Cozy is Key! Comfortable beds are the second biggest reasons Millennials will recommend a hotel to a friend (18%).
The Germaphobe Generation: 61% of Millennials carry hand sanitizer when traveling more than any other generation!
I Can’t Hear You: 30% of Millennials keep earbuds in their ears when traveling so people don’t talk to them.
The survey was conducted in partnership with The Center for Generational Kinetics, which solves tough generational challenges with Millennials, Gen Y, Generation X and Baby Boomers. The national survey polled 1,000 U.S. adults, ages 18-65 between September 30 and October 3, 2015.
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