
Eating sushi in Japan requires much more than a pair of chop sticks and a master willing to serve up a plate of properly cut raw fish. Eating sushi in Japan, for those heading to the land of the rising sun, requires an education.

Now travelers en route to Tokyo and beyond can wax eloquently about the art of eating, Japanese style, through a new offering by Tabimori, Inc.: SushiUniversity.

This interpretative service was designed to help foreign tourists in Japan enjoy traditional Edo-style eating in the Tokyo area.

Launched in January, SushiUniversity allows foreign tourists in Japan to visit sushi restaurants with greater ease and familiarity, as though going to their favorite neighborhood restaurant. While it does showcase various restaurants, fees include shuttle services to and from the hotel, English/Japanese interpreting services inside restaurants, and informative discussions of the sushi artform, from ingredients to etiquette.

Learning to eat sushi

Special “omakase” menus can be sent in advance of visit. Understanding the various ingredients ahead of time allows diners to relax and enjoy the sushi before them in a natural and intuitive fashion, asking any questions they have as they arise.

If diners notify SushiUniversity in advance of dietary allergies or foods they want off the menu, this can be accommodated. In addition, the team selects restaurants located within 30 minutes by car from guests’ hotel and within the Tokyo area that meet their parameters. On the day of the booking, a SushiUniversity interpreter meets guests at the lobby of their hotel. The group then travels together to the restaurant.

SushiUniversity courses start at $87 per person.

(81-3) 3530-6102, [email protected]

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